
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Lídice; Díaz-Comas” ,找到相关结果约437952条。
Cross-modal plasticity in cuban visually-impaired child cochlear implant candidates: topography of somatosensory evoked potentials
Charroó-Ruíz,Lidia E.; Pérez-Abalo,María C.; Hernández,María C.; álvarez,Beatriz; Bermejo,Beatriz; Bermejo,Sandra; Galán,Lídice; Díaz-Comas,Lourdes;
MEDICC Review , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1555-79602012000200007
Abstract: introduction: studies of neuroplasticity have shown that the brain's neural networks change in the absence of sensory input such as hearing or vision. however, little is known about what happens when both sensory modalities are lost (deaf-blindness). hence, this study of cortical reorganization in visually-impaired child cochlear implant (ci) candidates. objective: assess cross-modal plasticity, specifically cortical reorganization for tactile representation in visually-impaired child ci candidates, through study of topography of somatosensory evoked potentials (sep). methods: from april through september 2005, sep from median and tibial nerve electrical stimulation were studied in 12 visually-impaired child ci candidates aged 3-15 years and 23 healthy controls. following placement of 19 recording electrodes using the international 10-20 system , sep were recorded and then processed. topographic maps were obtained for sep n20 (median nerve) and sep p40 (tibial nerve), permitting assessment of cortical reorganization by comparing visually-impaired, deaf children's maps with those of healthy children by means of visual inspection and statistical comparison using a permutation test. results: sep n20 topography was significantly more extensive in visually-impaired child ci candidates than in healthy children. an asymmetrical pattern occurred from the expansion of hand tactile activation into the temporal and occipital regions in the left hemisphere on right median nerve stimulation. this did not occur for sep p40 on tibial nerve stimulation (right and left). magnitude of expanded sep n20 response was related to severity of visual impairment and longer duration of dual sensory loss. conclusions: changes in sep n20 topography are evidence of cross-modal plasticity in visually-impaired child ci candidates, appearing to result from a complex interaction between severity of visual impairment and duration of multisensory deprivation.
LA TRADUCCIóN ESPECIALIZADA Y EL USO INNECESARIO DE ANGLICISMOS / Specialized translation and unnecessary use of anglicisms
Lídice López Díaz,Alain Escarrá Jiménez
CorSalud , 2011,
Depresión oculta en consulta externa Hidden depression at the outpatient department
Lídice Josué Díaz,Vladimir Torres Lio-Coo,Ileana Font Darias,Maria Cardona Monteagudo
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2006,
Abstract: Se realizó un estudio de forma descriptiva, transversal, en una muestra de 46 pacientes que asistieron a la Consulta Externa del Hospital Militar Central ”Dr. Carlos j. Finlay”, en el último semestre de 2004, remitidos de otras especialidades, con el objetivo general de la búsqueda de depresión oculta. El primer día se le aplicó el cuestionario de cogniciones anticipatorias, y a todos los que obtuvieron una puntuación mayor de 7 puntos, se les realizó la entrevista semiestructurada y se les aplicó la escala de Hamilton, para corroborar y clasificar la intensidad de la depresión, aspectos que ayudaron a encontrar síntomas depresivos, así como la aplicación de conductas psicoterapéuticas en los casos necesarios, de manera que se cumplió otro de los objetivos trazados. Se aplicó el cuestionario de cogniciones anticipatorias a un total de 46 pacientes, en 20 de ellos el test fue positivo, lo que indicó la presencia presuntiva de depresión, predominó el sexo femenino, mayores de 35 a os de edad, técnicos medio, unión consensual, 15 o más a os de trabajo y los conflictos principales estuvieron relacionados con la esfera conyugal y laboral . A descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed in a sample of 46 patients seen in the ambulatory department of “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” Military Hospital during the last semester of 2004. They had been referred from other specialties to search hidden depression. On the first day, they answered a questionnaire of anticipatory cognitions. A semi-structured survey was done among those who got a score of more than 7 points, and Hamilton's scale was used to corroborate and classify the intensity of depression, aspects that helped to find depressive symptoms, as well as the application of psychotherapeutical conducts in the necessary cases, attaining this way one of the established goals. This questionnaire was applied to 46 patients, in 20 of them the test was positive, which indicated the presumptive presence of depression. It was observed a predominance of females over 35 years old, middle level technicians, consensual union, and fifteen years or more of work. The main conflicts were related to the conjugal sphere and work.
Factores psicosociales de la depresión Psychosocial factors of depression
Lídice Josué Díaz,Vladimir Torres Lio-Coo,Eugenio Urrutia Zerquera,Reynol Moreno Puebla
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2006,
Abstract: Se analizaron la depresión y la influencia de factores internos y externos que influyen en la aparición de trastornos afectivos. Se valoraron algunos factores históricos, filosóficos y médicos que se tienen en cuenta al estudiar la depresión. Se analizó el enfoque del sistema socialista en relación con la salud en Cuba, que tiende a lograr el completo bienestar físico, mental, social del individuo y su soporte económico en la facilitación de la reinserción social del paciente, sobre una relación basada en la ética médica. Se considera la relación médico-paciente como factor de gran importancia para el tratamiento de la depresión, donde la psicoterapia juega un papel significativo. Depression and the influence of external and internal factors affecting the occurrence of affective disorders were analyzed. Some historical, philosophical and medical factors taken into account when studying depression were assessed. The socialist system approach in relation to health care in Cuba, which aims to achieve full physical, mental and social wellbeing of the individual and his economic support in facilitating social reinsertion of the patient to the society, on the basis of medical ethics-relied relation, was analyzed. Physician-patient relationship is considered a key factor for depression treatment where psychological therapy plays a significant role.
Neuropsicofisiología del procesamiento cognitivo y emocional de las caras
Francisco Lopera,María A. Bobes,L. Galán,L. Díaz Comas
Iatreia , 2005,
Abstract: Una cara es el estímulo visual mono-orientado con mayor importancia biológica, psicológica y social que pueda percibir y analizar el cerebro humano.
Depresión oculta en consulta externa
Josué Díaz,Lídice; Torres Lio-Coo,Vladimir; Font Darias,Ileana; Cardona Monteagudo,Maria; Sánchez Arrastia,Dagmara;
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2006,
Abstract: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed in a sample of 46 patients seen in the ambulatory department of “dr. carlos j. finlay” military hospital during the last semester of 2004. they had been referred from other specialties to search hidden depression. on the first day, they answered a questionnaire of anticipatory cognitions. a semi-structured survey was done among those who got a score of more than 7 points, and hamilton's scale was used to corroborate and classify the intensity of depression, aspects that helped to find depressive symptoms, as well as the application of psychotherapeutical conducts in the necessary cases, attaining this way one of the established goals. this questionnaire was applied to 46 patients, in 20 of them the test was positive, which indicated the presumptive presence of depression. it was observed a predominance of females over 35 years old, middle level technicians, consensual union, and fifteen years or more of work. the main conflicts were related to the conjugal sphere and work.
Aspectos relacionados con el intento suicida en pacientes ingresados en el Centro Nacional de Toxicología Aspects on suicidal attempts by patients admitted to the National Center of Toxicology
Vladimir Torres Li-Coo,Lídice Josué Díaz,Nicolás Roberto Rodríguez Valdés,Ileana Font Darías
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2006,
Abstract: Se realizó una investigación en 96 pacientes ingresados en el Centro Nacional de Toxicología que cometieron intento suicida durante el a o 2000. Predominó el sexo femenino, la raza blanca, en periodos de edades entre 20-29 a os, en su mayoría solteros, con escolaridades de secundaria y preuniversitaria. Residían en zonas urbanas con antecedentes psiquiátricos personales y familiares, así como antecedentes personales de intentos. El conflicto inductor se relacionó con la ruptura de la línea vital, seguido de las descompensaciones de enfermedades psiquiátricas; se utilizó en primera opción los psicofármacos, seguidos de organofosforado, insecticidas y combustibles. Según el Programa Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio, el intento suicida se calificó como: “riesgoso potencialmente letal”, la gravedad de las circunstancias, “moderada”, y en cuanto a la seriedad de la intención, “serio”. A research study was made on 96 patients admitted to the National Center of Toxicology, who committed suicidal attempts during the year 2000. Females, Caucasian, 20-29 years-old age group, and single subjects with schooling level of junior high and senior high school predominated in the study. They mostly lived in urban areas and had family and personal psychiatric disorder history as well as personal history of attempted suicide. The inducing conflict was related to rupture of life followed by decompensation from psychiatric diseases. Psychotropic drugs were the first option for suicide followed by organophosphorous products, insecticides and fuels. According to the National Program of Suicide Prevention, suicidal attempt was considered as “risky and potentially lethal”, the severity of circumstances as “moderate” and the seriousness of the attempt as “serious”.
Conducta suicida en pacientes atendidos en un Centro de Urgencias Suicide conduct in patients attended at an emergency center
Vladimir Torres Lio-Coo,Lídice Josué Díaz,Nicolás Roberto Rodríguez Valdés,Ileana Font Darías
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2005,
Abstract: Se estudiaron 85 pacientes que realizaron intento suicida y se atendieron en el Centro de Urgencias del Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", durante enero y junio de 2003. Predominó el sexo femenino (57 %), con edades entre 10 y 19 a os (35 %), pertenecientes a la raza blanca, escolaridades de secundaria terminada (49 %), seguidas del nivel medio superior, dedicadas preferentemente al estudio o como amas de casa. El conflicto inductor principal estuvo asociado con problemas relacionados con el grupo primario de apoyo (46 %), seguido de los problemas relacionados con el ambiente familiar, con antecedentes patológicos personales y familiares de trastornos psiquiátricos, así como de intentos suicidas. El método más empleado fue el uso de psicofármacos, seguido de otras sustancias, y después de realizado el acto, solicitaron ayuda. Como trastornos psiquiátricos predominaron los trastornos situacionales, seguidos de los trastornos de personalidad. La conducta tomada por el terapeuta en primera opción fue la de remitir al paciente a su área de atención primaria, seguida de la decisión de ingresarlo. 85 patients who attempted suicide and received attention at the Emergency Center of "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay" Military Central Hospital from January to June 2003, were studied. There was a prevalence of white females (57 %) with ages between 10-19 years old (35 %) and middle level education concluded (49 %), followed by higher middle level. Most of them were students or housewives. The main conflict inducing them to take this decision was associated with problems related to the primary support group (46 %), followed by the problems related to family environment, with personal and family pathological history of psychiatric disorders, as well as with suicide attempts. . The most used method was the use of psychotropic drugs and other substances. After attempting suicide, they asked for help. Among the psychiatric disorders, it was observed a predominance of the situational disorders , followed by the personality disorders. The first option used by the therapist was to refer the patient to his primary health care area, whereas the second one was to hospitalize him.
Depresión oculta en sujetos que laboran en condiciones complejas Silent depression in subjects working in complex conditions
Lídice Josué Díaz,Yissett Valdés Savín,Carlos Quevedo Fonseca,Vladimir Torres Lio-coo
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2007,
Abstract: Se realizó un estudio exploratorio en un centro laboral, con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de manifestaciones depresivas, así como estudiar la relación entre las diferentes variables sociodemográficas y la existencia de estas manifestaciones. La muestra representativa estuvo formada por 151 trabajadores a los que se les aplicó el cuestionario de cogniciones anticipatorias, y una entrevista semiestructurada que exploró síntomas depresivos. Se obtuvo que de los 151 encuestados, 70 presentaron puntajes sugestivos de depresión; los mayores porcentajes se encontraron entre los grupos de edades comprendidos de 32-42 y 21-31 a os. Predominó el sexo masculino, universitarios, de cargos directivos y de mayor antigüedad laboral. Incidieron con mayor frecuencia los conflictos laborales y se constató la ausencia de autopercepción del estado afectivo en más de la mitad de los estudiados . An exploratory study was performed in a work center, to determine presence of depression manifestation as well as to study relationship between different socio-demographic variables and existence of these manifestations. Representative sample included 151 workers to whom a questionnaire of anticipatory cognitions, and a semi-structured interview to examine depression symptoms. Result was that of 151 interviewed, 70 had scoring suggestive of depression; greater percentages were found among age groups aged from 32-42 and 21-31. There was a predominance of male sex, college students, managers and of a great work seniority. Influencing with a greater frequency the work conflicts, and it was verified lack of self-perception of affective status in more than half of those studied.
Conducta suicida en pacientes atendidos en un Centro de Urgencias
Torres Lio-Coo,Vladimir; Josué Díaz,Lídice; Rodríguez Valdés,Nicolás Roberto; Font Darías,Ileana; Gómez Arias,Moraima Bárbara;
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar , 2005,
Abstract: 85 patients who attempted suicide and received attention at the emergency center of "dr. carlos j. finlay" military central hospital from january to june 2003, were studied. there was a prevalence of white females (57 %) with ages between 10-19 years old (35 %) and middle level education concluded (49 %), followed by higher middle level. most of them were students or housewives. the main conflict inducing them to take this decision was associated with problems related to the primary support group (46 %), followed by the problems related to family environment, with personal and family pathological history of psychiatric disorders, as well as with suicide attempts. . the most used method was the use of psychotropic drugs and other substances. after attempting suicide, they asked for help. among the psychiatric disorders, it was observed a predominance of the situational disorders , followed by the personality disorders. the first option used by the therapist was to refer the patient to his primary health care area, whereas the second one was to hospitalize him.

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